Mem Free: U * Correct and press any key to continue ...U $TOO LITTLE MEMORY FOR THIS OPERATIONU Write Catalog to disk Alt-C to clear or to accept: -> Writing catalog to disk...U to abort. Changes have been made to the current catalog-- do you wish to save it to disk before continuing? moment please... rootU ( NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO READ THIS CATALOG U to abort. Read Catalog from disk Alt-C to clear or to accept: -> Path not found No matching files Insufficient memory Dos critical error Reading catalog from disk... New File? U Updating volume...U Writing label to disk Volume relabel process failed Volume label write failedU This volume has no label Current volume label is 'Enter a new label name or press to generate a unique label: =?Label not valid .. only ~!@#$%^&(){}' and alphabetic characters Write label to disk? (Y/N) *,Enter COMPLETE PATH to be assigned as VOLUME Reading Volume in drive Volume : Directory: Volume already exists. U: Update L: Label diskette in drive U Read disks into catalog Catalog file : Last Vol. Read: Source drive : Menu UPC 6Press A-Z to select source drive '#' to Change Label.Press to begin reading source diskette Exclude mask: Include mask: Archive read: Inactive Active - F _ x !6"L" $+$0$J$\$a$l$~$ %(%>%T%j% &4&>&C&Q&`& '('6'H'Z'l'q'|' )*)H)Z)_)j)|) *#*5*M*U*`*e*p* +8+Q+j+u+ ,#,1,v, 0 040H0\0p0 1$181L1`1t1 2(2-282Q2Y2^2i2|2 3"3'323D3I3s3 4>4M4a4 525R5a5{5 5.696I6N6_6i6n6 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZU ! H x e &:E t Previous operation was aborted U $TOO LITTLE MEMORY FOR THIS OPERATIONU Mem Free: U *** CORRUPTED ARCHIVE *** ERROR - contents of not catalogedU ERROR - contents of not catalogedU *** CORRUPTED ARCHIVE *** Unable to read contents of , however is cataloged.U \&*** THIS LZH FILE MAY BE CORRUPTED *** ERROR - contents of not catalogedU *** CORRUPTED ARCHIVE *** ERROR - contents of not catalogedU / = G c .PAKU Screen Colors Window Items Selected Items Menu Items FSDCVP Filename Size Date Comments Volume Path Lines/Page U Print Settings Print Order: Option Start-Col Width MENU 1a4U Mask Settings Exclude Include selected MENU 1a3 input new mask spec -> =C.u: 6ERROR: Two or more fields overlap in current settings Please REDO ...U Enter new Start-Column: Enter new size: U MENU 1a1 Set: to abort Enter new MENU 1a2; Default catalog: Active DEF-File: Auto-Disk Name: ON OFF Title Screen: auto-Sort: Archive-read: 8 Locations and names of extractors and viewing utility : 1. Viewing util - 2. 'ARC' util - 3. 'ZOO' util - 4. 'ZIP' util - 5. 'LZH' util - 6. 'PAK' util - 7. Scratch path - 8. Target drive - default def filename default catalog filename auto number disk name file viewing utility w/path ARC extraction utility w/path ZOO extraction utility w/path ZIP extraction utility w/path LZH extraction utility w/path PAK extraction utility w/path scratchpad path default TARGET driveU =D u =F!u =N1u "=8 u MENU 1a ; Colors:U =D u? =M2u> % > W p + 0 : I S #!H!m! #>#`# $6Printer Set Up String (enter "*" to change ... ) to abort Print Catalog Is printer ready? CAUTION!-Enter set-up string to be sent to printer -> Printing ... to abort U =D u# CATALOG LIST of DATE: Page Filename Volume Free Space Comments press to abort printing bytes of Free Space % / 9 B Q a l { - PRINTER NOT READY -... please fix and press any key to continue.U PLUS by Patrick Michaud & & William C. Scott Nov. 12, 1989 $ Copyright 1989 by William C. Scott LPmCatPLUS is a file cataloging/browsing utility. ARC, ZIP, ZOO, PAK and LZHLfiles are accepted. A duplicate file elimination utility is sent to licensed1users. License fee is $25 sent to address below. (Notice: By using this program, you agree(that neither Patrick Michaud nor William(C. Scott may be held liable for damages,(direct or consequential that might arise from its use. Notice: Serial #: 1189.002 William C. Scott #22 Cary Annex Coalgate, OK 74538 Press any key to continueU = file -> PMCAT.DEF PMCAT.CAT PMCAT.LST U View4View files, volumes and comments. Add/edit comments. UpdateDUpdate current catalog. Add, replace volumes. Comments will be kept. Delete-volumes Delete volumes from catalog : Set-defaultsCSet default catalog name, colors, masks, autosort, archive reading. ReadIRead new catalog from disk. You will erase the current catalog in memory. WriteLSave current catalog in memory to disk. It will remain in memory afterwards. &Exit PmCat. Return to calling program. Colors+Set screen, window and selector bar colors. Def&file-Change default paths, filenames and switches. Mask-setEReview and/or change the filemasks PmCat uses when MASK is set to ON. set-Printing Set format for hardcopy output. Read-defaults(Read in default settings from disk file. Write-defaults*Save the current default settings to disk. Exit to opening menu. FileAPlace the name you wish to use as a default for the catalog name. Def-fileJSet the name of the file in which the present default settings are stored. auto-Name=Name you wish to use on automatically numbered volume labels. 1EFull pathname of utility you will use to view files (LIST,TYPE, etc.) 2?Full pathname of utility you will use for extracting ARC files. 3?Full pathname of utility you will use for extracting ZOO files. 4?Full pathname of utility you will use for extracting ZIP files. 5?Full pathname of utility you will use for extracting LZH files. 6?Full pathname of utility you will use for extracting PAK files. 7ODrive/directory to use as a scratch pad when extracting/viewing archived files. 8DDefault TARGET drive ... drive on which PmCat looks for the archive. auto-Sort8Set to ON for automatic sorting of files before viewing. Archive-read=Set to ON to enable the reading of archived file directories. Title-screenKSet the opening title screen to appear (ON) or skipped upon running (OFF). Exit to previous menu. 9 will prompt you for a new entry to the filemasks. ExcludeFToggle Exclude list ON/OFF. "EXCLUDES" files matching these filemasks. IncludeEToggle Include list ON/OFF. "INCLUDES" files matching these filemasks Clear-Clear item indicated by bar cursor in window. Clear item and input new value. UP5Use Up arrow key to move bar cursor in window upward. DOWN9Use Down arrow key to move bar cursor in window downward. LEFT9Use Left arrow key to move bar cursor in window sideways. RIGHT:Use Right arrow key to move bar cursor in window sideways. Return to MENU 1a Delete volumeKPick the volume to delete from the list in the window, using the arrow key. Return to MENU 1 PgUp!Move backward one page (12 files)%Move selector bar upward to next file Dir@Display contents of volume, directory or archive (if cataloged). Volumes#Display a list of volumes cataloged InfoMToggle Info and Comments windows open or closed. Shows file data and comments CommentsNEnter comments for highlighted file. PG UP/DN to save & move to next/previous. Find=Find a filename, volume free space or string within Comments. NextMFind next occurrence of the string or free space for which you are searching. SortLSort files according to your selection of filename, ext, size, date or path. EraseIErase hightlighted file from catalog. Marked DELETED until saved to disk. Print Print hardcopy of catalog. PgDn Move forward one page (12 files)'Move selector bar downward to next file IList file's contents through program you have specified in defaults area. HOME+Move immediately to first entry in catalog. END*Move immediately to last entry in catalog. Write current catalog ( ) to disk. O-sys7Shell to DOS to execute another program of your choice. "<"*Copy file comments into scratchpad buffer. ">"JCopy scratchpad buffer contents to comments of currently highlighted file. Return to MENU 1 Filenames5Enter filename or filemask to find filename you want.;Enter string to search for in COMMENTS of files or volumes. SizeJEnter a number. PmCat will find volumes with FREE SPACE greater than this. Abort this operation. FilenameNSort items in window by filename. Volume labels are treated as filenames here. Extension"Sort items in window by extension. Sort items in window by path. Sort items in window by date. Sort items in window by size. Abort this operation. Ascending'Sort with smallest first, largest last. Descending'Sort with largest first, smallest last. Yes6Selects item to input new column and width information Move the selector bar upward. Move the selector bar downward.'Clears the item highlighted by the bar. AcceptKAccept current color settings and return to previous menu. Same as . Increment the item selected. Decrement the item selected.)Move the color selector line to the left.*Move the color selector line to the right. es - To printer ELooks OK go ahead and print. Don't forget to make sure printer is OK. isk - To disk file =Send output to ASCII text file on disk. Maybe print later ... o - Abort operation Don't wanna print. STOP <*> - Change print codes"Change printer set up code string.9Accept the volume letter shown above read the file there. Increment drive selection. Decrement drive selection. *2Enter a pathname as a volume. Useful on networks ? #LChange volume label. Must select a drive first. Present label will be shown. Abort update procedure. -Accept and read currently displayed filename."Activate pick list to choose from.1Accept and write to currently displayed filename.U 3 W g | (4(D(N(X(t( )"),)U)q) *)*E*T*^*z* +&+B+Q+[+w+ ,%,/,K,Z,d, -.-8-T-c-m- .5.Q.`.j. . /%/4/>/Z/i/s/ 0.0=0G0p0 1.181T1c1m1 2(272A2]2l2v2 313@3J3f3u3 4:4I4S4o4 5#525<5X5g5q5 6 6/696U6d6n6 7,767R7a7k7 8)838O8^8h8 9&909Y9u9 :#:-:I:X:b:~: ; ;*;F;U;_;{; ;'#>->I>X>b> ? ?*?F?U?_? @'@P@l@{@